Tuesday, December 22, 2009

For my Non Milk Drinker!

The dr. to me today that Tiny is too Tiny and needs MORE milk. I tried to explain that he HATES milk. My dad told me to go get him some Horizon Vanilla Milk. And what do ya know he LOVES it. And of course my Child would only like the milk that is $1 (on sale) for 1 milk box worth! But hey maybe this will help him put on some weight!

I am thinking Horizon needs to hire him for a milk campaign. He is pretty cute if I do say so my self!


Christi Bennett @ pisforparty said...

Nick hates milk too!! I heard another trick...did not work for Nick, but maybe it will for tiny. =) Put some vanilla creamer (non fat if you want) in milk. It worked wonders for another friend of mine! And it's much cheaper too!

Tiffany said...

I just stumbled across your blog from my friend Marci Davis and am really enjoying all of your finds! I have the exact same problem with my litle buddy and we too can only get him to drink the Horizon vanilla milk. My husband hates the price and wishes we could find it in gallon form or something. I may have to try the suggestion above!
{the blissful life of a 'boy mom'}