Saturday, September 26, 2009


YES!! The Gymboree Bubbles are a MUST have in our house!!!

(This picture is from the Gymboree website)

We play with these bubbles daily and mostly inside. J just LOVES them and J the dog does as well! I have been getting them to take to friends houses for play dates and I am thinking about getting them for all of J's buddies for Christmas. They run about $6 and the refill is about $3.50. You can save your Gymboree Bucks and stock up on this fun little goodie!
Here is a picture from today's play date. J and L loved them some bubble time!!


Christi Bennett @ pisforparty said...

Great gift idea!

Daniel and Ashleigh Hansberger said...

We have that bubble blower and it is the best. Hours and hours of fun!