Friday, September 25, 2009

Passi Labels

Pacifier Labels by Cherry Hill Designs (Picture is from the Sunshine Paperie website)
I have a NEW favorite blog/website: Sunshine Paperie! It is so cute! I have been looking for passi and shoe labels and I FINALLY found them!! I ordered these for $8 and you get 48 of them!!! If you sign up for her mailing list you get a code for $5 off which made it worth it with the shipping. I think they are WAY cute!
Go look at her store and blog! Happy Shopping!


Daniel and Ashleigh Hansberger said...

Love it! Going to that website tomorrow! You are amazing! How do you find this stuff! I love that you have a blog and post all this stuff. You do all the work finding the cute ideas and I just get to go buy them! Keep it up amazing mommy!

Sunshine Paperie said...

Thank you Amanda!! Please let me know if I can help you with anything in the future!